Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What Christmas Means To Me

    He that dwelleth in God, and God in him — 1Jo_4:16

    Recently I was trying to tell a friend who had moved away, who had not told me Goodbye, not to worry about it all. For Love never has to say Goodbye. Cause we will always see each someday in Heaven. That Love is stronger than death and I would love him regardless of the issues between us, simply because as a brother in the Lord, I had already forgiven him and simply wanted him to know I love him, his girls and his wife. I’m not sure that I got my point across. It is so hard to explain LOVE.  It is so easy to live the path it takes one down. EVERYDAY IS CHRISTMAS WITH LOVE the Story’s not old.
    God is Love. Jesus is Love. The Holy Spirit is Love. Jesus went about doing good because Jesus loved people. For God so love the World he sent Jesus to help us. We had been living under the Law that demanded an eye for and eye, and a tooth for a tooth, fear based, and here comes Jesus on the scene bringing Love from HEAVEN, to explain the kind of love they lived in his home. There he was taught what Love looks like in Action. At 33 he wanted the World to know this kind of Love. The Kind of Love he walked and had his being in, which was God himself.
    The Golden Rule to Love our neighbor as our self, is an out cropping of the Love he knew God was. They 3, not only were Love, they did not only talk about Love, they acted upon it’s attributes.
     Now no one can act like, they love their neighbor, without the Holy Spirit influencing us to do so.Now the two representatives on Earth can point us to a God who not only acts like love but is LOVE HIMSELF. YES HE IS EVERYWHERE, NO TEMPLE CAN CONTAIN HIM, NO RELIGION CAN DEFINE HIM!
    One cannot fake Love, that is why Jesus was so controversial. He turned the world upside down with his teachings. And anyone that met Jesus was never the same. Jesus could read them inside and  out. He knew what they were thinking by the questions they were asking. They constantly tried to trick him, but no one was ever capable of doing so. He just walked away from the midst of his enemies. He knew he was going to the cross, for that was what he was sent down here to do. He knew alls people needed a savior. He knew he was it. HE DID NOT VEER FROM HIS CROSS. And neither should you. Look what they did to your Master, they’ll do worse to you. “If they did this to a green tree, what do you think the fate of a dry one will be?” You answer that question the next time you are growling about how people treat you. You should not be surprised, but true to Love’s form. LET IT BE, SO.
Love is a healer people/Love is a provider/Love is our righteousness/Love is our peace. Don’t you get the message. Start with your home, for a piece of Heaven on Earth. Let Jesus reign supreme with people who are closest to you. Go the extra mile. DO THINGS not because you were made to, but because you want to. Volunteer for tasks no one else wants to do. This is Love in Action to your Father, Mother, Sister and Brother. One person can bring Love into a Home, a Town, a Country! LOVE WILL NOT FAIL.
     People IF you want God in your life He will come to you. He said, “when you seek me with all your heart then you will find me”
He won’t turn anyone down. But he does not want no second-hand Love.
He wants to be first. He is easy to find. You walk in him, you have your being in him......
Please do not miss the one who really LOVES YOU!

Remember what the Angels sang Christmas Morn, GOD IN US!
I’ve been given the Best Gift by God himself.
All the rest of them are “Icing on the Cake.
Love nina
later more later

Monday, November 7, 2011


Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?- Heb_1:14      
Every believer is surrounded by an innumerable amount of Angels. They minister to us. May each one of you come in contact with them, today or tomorrow or better yet when you need them in your life.
    In whatever capacity we need, we can feel them, whenever we need them. Sometimes I think they help us even when we don’t understand the need of them. They just appear and help us out of a bad situation and go their way.   

One day I was driving home, and we lived on a rather hilly highway.  There was a car stopped in the valley of the hill. I had two choices. I could crash the car, or I could try to pass at full blast which is what I chose.  I looked first at the people in my car. My Mother was one of then and my kids also. These precious ones God had put under my care. AND I HAD BLOWN IT. I WAS SPEEDING BECAUSE IT WAS RAINING, TRYING TO GET HOME  FAST.  Now understand I would never try to pass on this hill-hail-sleet-snow OR rain, cause it was a blind one, you could not see what was on the other side.    In the middle of my passing, trying to stop an obvious wreck, here came a car over the hill. I KNEW I HAD TO PICK UP SPEED SO, I picked up speed and barely missed that car. We would all have died hitting at that speed, I am certain of that. God did not want that happening, right then. I was sure shaking, when we got safe. Guess It was Adrenalin shock. But I really feel I heard A SWISHING AND A WINNOWING OF  ANGELS WINGS who were sent to us boldly, sent to us for sure, to protect us from dashing our family's foot against a stone. It was so close only an Angel or company thereof could have rescued us at the moment in time. NOW I SAY, NOT ALL WRECKS NEED AN ANGEL OR COMPANY OF ANGELS, BUT  IF YOU CONSIDER AN ANGEL AS SOMEONE WHO IS JOHNNY ON THE SPOT TO HELP YOU, THEN THAT QUALIFIES A WHOLE LOT OF  PEOPLE, POLICE, EMT'S, FIRST RESPONDERS. FIREMEN,WHO ARE TAKING ORDERS FROM GOD AND DON'T KNOW IT. AND IF YOU JUST CONSIDER ANGELS AS BEING UNAWARES THEN THEY CAN HELP YOU AND YOU DON'T KNOW IT IS HAPPENING....ANGELS ARE  SPIRIT BEINGS WITHOUT FORM, UNLESS THEY TAKE  FORM.

JUST CAUSE WE CAN'T SEE HORSES OF FIRE AND CHARIOTS OF FIRE, DOES NOT MEAN THEY DON'T EXIST, ELIJAH AND ELISHA CAN ATTEST TO THERE EXISTENCE. HE CALLED THEM THE HORSEMEN OF ISRAEL. Elijah  told Elisha, if he sees the Angels come and take him away, Elisha would receive a double portion of ELIJAH'S SPIRIT.  Elisha saw him leaving Israel and he got a double portion of Elijah's Spirit.  Because of that, I asked for a Triple dose, well I did not want to be greedy.

I don’t see a hill, that I am not reminded of the day the Angels visited us in an unseen manner. 

Be not forgetful to entertain Strangers, for thereby some have entertained Angels Unawares! Strangers is the KEY, Unawares means we will not always know it. Some will. The other KEY is Angels report Directly to God. Be careful how you entertain Strangers. This was when she first moved to Arizona and was quite depressed about it all. My friend says two Navajo Angels came to visit her and she let them eat soup in the kitchen as it was snowing and she gave Grandpa a coat cause he needed one. She said, she told them bye, it was still snowing and a few minutes later she went outside to watch them off. There was footsteps on the porch, to the yard , and all of a sudden, a few feet out in the yard, they stopped. It was Navajo Angels, a boy and his grandpa.

I think it is too wonderful to ENTERTAIN ANGELS, but I think you gotta need um for some specific need. Like if your lonely and they come to help you make it through the day. BY THE SAME TOKEN, NOT EVERYBODY WHO IS LONELY GETS A VISIT FROM AN ANGEL. I DO NOT KNOW WHY. We'll I take that back, I do  know why!!! God did not tell them to do it !!!!
If I ever did entertain an Angel, I did not know it.But I’d think you’d  know it
Abram knew it, Jacob knew it. Daniel knew it. Mary knew it , Paul knew it. 
Lots of people do not know it, they are dealing with the unawares, just like I was. 
But there is no doubt about their existence. Many people can attest to their touch of an Angels hand. They have no form but can take the form of a man, a woman, a child, an animal, an in-animate-Object. They can sing, etc. Just ask, you will get a convo started, and you just might find them a  touch different than regular people.

I wrote a Song about Angels, I have written over            200      And          Pappy              Liked this one best of all.   Pappy was my Father(RIP) The lst few verses go

I ain’t never seen me no little bitty Angel, I ain’t never seen me no Angel Band.
I ain’t never seen me no Great Big Angel, but I got an Angel that ‘s  Holding  my hand...
Angels are watching watching o’re m e , Angels are watching o’re my land
Angsels are watching watching o’re me , Angels are watching me sing to the Lamb
Angels can only sing the song of   I AM, I can only sing the Song of the Lamb
Angels can only sing the song of   I AM, I can only sing the Song of the Lamb
Angels can only sing the song of   I AM, I can only sing the Song the song  of the Lamb
That just about sums it up when it comes to Me......

TO CATCH YOU UP, Granny(RIP), HAD HER FAVORITE SONG IT WAS 'lOVE IS A SONG!' it also is one I wrote music for on the piano so I could play and she could sing.
Love is a song Oh hear it’s voice
As music plays Love’s not a choice
 It’s neither right Nor ever wrong
Love simply says You belong

It’s never rich Nor ever poor
Love simply knows There’s always more
It can’t be bought Nor ever paid
Love simply is Going God’s Way       

I sing a song I hear a voice
As music plays Love’s not a choice
It’s neither far Nor ever near
Love simply says Goodby to fear

It’s never win Nor ever lose
Love simply knows What just what to do
It can’t be lost Nor ever fade
Love simply is Going God’s Way

God sang a song His Son’s the Voice
It’s Jesus Christ  He is your Choice
As Angels play God’s Song today
Love simply is Going God’s Way
Love simply is Going God’s Way
Love simply is Jesus is The Way

My Brother Erick Goodman is a preacher and he brought  me a CD. Granny loved to cook for everyone. My favorite song on it is,
Come Home, Come Home it's Supper Time. I like the words that say, by granny, Come home, there is a banquet on God's Celestial Shores.I think she is saying, their is a right time to come home.
Trust God, he will lead you, THROUGH IT ALL, you must follow! Don't ever tell God  no! HE CAN SEE THE FUTURE! He may surprise you !

Love Nina
Later More Later

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon--Jdg 7:20

   Here is an example of God working with man to produce his eternal business. No where  in the Bible is it so evident that it takes both God and Man to deal with the business of the Kingdom.

    To feel, we can come in our name only, is presumptuous upon a God, that does require us to be humble in our approach to God, and humble toward a man, to whom we witness. Humility towards God, to even allow us to do his witnessing, of what He has done for us in our lives, and toward man, who is moved to tears, when he or she comes upon a truly humble person, who is willing to do as God bids. This is ascertained by the fact that God culled the men down to a mere 300 men who lapped, simply because he did not want Israel smarting off about it, being all their own effort that sustained them. God don't divide His Glory, His Honor or anything. He is Primo Uno. He sure don't divide his Honor with a wooden belly, cow, sand flea, etc. if you get my drift. They can't send 20,000 ministering Spirits to God's Chosen Ones. But He can, NOW THAT IS POWER!..........When we mention God’s Name, there is something Holy that is happening in the here and now. People stand up and take notice. Because HE IS DIFFERENT, HE'S BEEN HERE FROM THE BEGINNING, IS PRESENT, AND KNOWS THE FUTURE. HE DEFINITELY IS DIFFERENT. Wow, like maybe we should listen, when he or she talks. I BELIEVE IN THE SPIRIT OF PROPHESY. Even if it is just, "which fast food restaurant do you want to go to?"

    We should never attempt to take on witnessing without first being willing to shine our lights before mankind, SUCH AS, HOLD OUR TORCHES HIGH, BE SPIRIT LED. Only as we are good toward God and man, can those in the dark, have an example to follow for themselves. As Gideon told his people, take a pitcher, put a light into it, and when he calls, BY BLOWING THE TRUMPET, he and the other  men with him, then HIS  WORKING FORCES are to break the pitcher, and hollow, the Sword of the Lord and Gideon.  THEY WERE TO CARRY THEIR TORCHES IN THEIR LEFT HAND AND THEIR TRUMPET IN THEIR RIGHT. As you can see, in trying to give us an example to follow, he truly wanted us to shine like little stars. WE MUST GO IN LIGHT(TORCHES) WITH THE SPIRIT OF PROPHESY(THE TRUMPET)We must always be willing to show ourselves faithful to God by WALKING IN THE SPIRIT(WALKING IN THE LIGHT-we know where to go, and what to do)

    This is a way to bring light into darkness. We must be willing to go. Now if one cannot see that an area is truly dark to the light of the gospel, we won’t go. But that is not the case and never has been. There is no lighted believer that cannot see into the Spirit World. We all can start where we are. When we see a dark city as Gideon did, then we are admonished to bring light into it’s folds. We indeed have been given authority to baptize believers where ever we find them that want to be baptized. /you don’t need a degree from a seminary/we need to believe what God said, the Great Commission, “GO INTO ALL THE WORLD, BAPTIZING THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THINGS, WHATSOEVER I HAVE COMMANDED YOU! AND LO I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, EVEN UNTIL THE END OF THE AGE”(And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. - Matthew 28:20

    SONS', IT MEANS YOU! DAUGHTERS' IT MEANS YOU.  Don’t think that God is going to do it all by himself. Gideon teaches you this. Don’t think that you can do this all by yourself. Gideon teaches you this. Alls it takes is a willing heart. God will provide the humility. God will provide the food, clothes, houses, cars. He’ll even give you a strong mind with Godly Wisdom that no one can withstand.

    In fact, when you put God first, He has promised you houses here on earth. He says, when we give up our life for Him, He gives and gives and gives to us. But first the corn seed has got to fall into the ground, it is a soft landing people. He is the ground, you are the corn. So how do you think you could possibly fail. You can’t. He won’t let you. Fall into the Heavenly Father's hands, let him deal with the results. GET YOUR SWORD(WORD OF GOD) AND GO WITH GOD’S SWORD. BRING DIVISION, LET GOD DO THE MULTIPLYING. God didn’t come to bring Peace, but a Sword-Division. The word of God is powerful, a two-edged sword, capable of dividing asunder the spirit, the soul and the body. The soul consists of the Spirit and the Soul, the physical is the body. God came to save the Souls. It’s left up to him to translate the body  into Heaven. A Great Mystery that is. HEAVEN IS HIS BUSINESS NOT OURS.

    If you have the light, you’ll see the dark rather sharply. In fact, you'll be able to see through the dark as if it were light. There is a reason God says, we can look into the Spirit World, it is a gift from God. Yes, I've seen it. Maybe someday, He'll provide a use for that knowledge.You’ve got to begin with Souls in the dark, oh yes, you'll know they are in the dark. You’ve got to begin there. Talk it over with God, see what He has to say before you step out and fwd. Don't get ahead of Him. Make 100% sure you are witnessing to the right ones.

He don’t need anybody’s Money, he owns all the cattle on the hillsides. He needs plain and simple,
more souls to praise him.
If you got the light, SHARE IT...LET’S GIVE GOD WHAT GOD WANTS.

later nina
more later

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stretched Thin

       Every time there is a Natural Disaster, of some sort, it appears we are already stretched thin on resources, manpower and money. Lately we have had Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Fires, Flood's, Earthquakes, Power Outages, the sky is falling Chicken Little, kinda legacy NASA left us with, and last but not least, Terrorism. The three last ones not being  Natural Disasters, but man made ones. These we can and will deal with. But however the problem comes, it certainly requires, people thinking out of the box, to solve  it. Forget Fear,  that does not fit into any equation we own. Certainly FORGETTING FEAR, is a POSITIVE PROBLEM(IF YOU CAN CONSIDER THERE TO BE SUCH AN ANIMAL), the negatives have never even thought of! YES, FORGET FEAR! START THERE! CLIMB ONTO A POSITIVE MOUNTAIN, WHERE THE EAGLE TALKS, WOE WOE WOE, LET'S HOPE THE  LAST THREE ANGELS DON'T BLOW THEIR TRUMPET. Of, course we've read the back of book. We know they do.....What's this got to do with deficients?  Well when you take 1/3 away from things, Seas, Rivers, Moons, etc, I figure God understands deficiencies.

Don't have a lot to do with what I am talking about but for some reason it seemed to fit right in. Writers, tend to go back, now and forward. Yes, I like writers, especially John of Patmos. No, I'm not off base, I'm just not where I want to be, on base. What I have discovered, is, when I keep adding and adding stuff to the present Blog, it is time to get another Blog going. I think I am going back to DD Time.  Today's was a wackmaster.

Back to this Blog......

       It really taxes a Country that is already overburdened with all kinds of problems. None of them appear to have an answer, most of the answers are frivolous ones that are not really capable of being a long term answer to a short term problem.

    We have a Deficiency in our Budget, and it keeps on getting bigger and bigger. Like I said, everybody wants an immediate answer one that usually covers the real problem that got us there in the first place.

    My question is not ‘WHY SUCH A DEFICIENT?”  How dare we?


    THAT IS EXACTLY WHERE I WOULD START. The bigger Deficient is harder to solve but so what. We are in the problem solving business.  And it would really be a feather in our cap, if we gave everybody money who needed it, whether they deserved it or not, so they could continue to function as viable people in a viable government. OTHER WISE WE WILL MEET UP WITH THEM SOMEWHERE DOWN THE LINE.. WHY HESITATE....Why should some of our people have to hit the ‘street, no job, no house, no money,’ and then we help them. Why not help them where they are at.

    Now this will not make people happy, who were not happy anyway, but it will help the common man, for whom government is for, and whom we serve. Let’s serve them will the proper attitude.

    After all, people, who are flooding need help, right then.
    People who are in a fire need help, right then.
    People who are in a mudslide need help, right then.
People who are in a Tornado need help, right then.
    People who are in a Hurricane need help, right then.
    People who are in a Earthquake need help, right then 
People who are in a Power Outage need help, right then.
    Do you get the point here.

    People who have no job need help, right then, not 3 years later.
    People who have no money need help, right then, not 4 years later
    People who have atrocious health bills, need help, right then, not 5 years later.
    People who have lost everything, need help, right then, not a lecture 6 years later
    People who have lost their homes, need help, right then, not 7 years later, a new home.
    People need friends, right then, not 8 years later. 
    Treat people with respect that have a need, not when they are cleaned up.

    I just know, we have sure had our share of disasters, wouldn’t you agree? Now why, do you think this is so? Well, I am sure everybody has there very own reason, as to why it is happening. I certainly do!

    But you really do not care that I care. It is not appropriate for me to garner advise as to why your suffering in your very own way. Yes, I say suffering, cause most people to whom all of this has happened to, do not act happy about it all. So I will say they are suffering.

    So we do not need a government telling us too, ‘BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES.’


    Now I am surely not going to be popular with the ‘Government.’

    For they do not like anybody that has an answer to their horrid problems of Deficient’s.

I just got this to say. If we’re down 4 Trillion, why not be down 12 Trillion.

You've heard the old adage, 'I clean up pretty good....'
I will reiterate, treat people with respect that have a need, not when they are cleaned up.

Give it to the people, give some to everybody, give some to the singles and families. I don't know a family with growing kids, that could not use some extra cash. I'm talking big time cash. I am a populist. They will really be happy for a change. They will spend and we won’t have a depression or recession or a down right slowing down period, and we sure won't have, a loss of a good attitude, from our Foreign Friends. They will be happy we are spending. We will generate jobs, and ideas will flow from happy people, how to get houses and health care, etc. I am not a socialist. I am of the Helper Party. Let's help our people....Government included.

Don’t penalize people because our leaders didn’t know how to govern.

We’re the people. We didn’t do it...........

nina later
more later

Friday, August 5, 2011


             Man, I am gonna start with a praise, I may not end that way, but at the very least I will get your attention. When I was growing up, those initials, were like, WOW, to me. If something was said, it was backed by the USDA very well, I was the first to get in line to get it. USDA meat. After all, I just wanted the best. I will Veer off and interject this personal note. Speaking of the best, the USDA has, it is my BFF here in MF, Peggy Lee Bender. She works in Animal Control, for USDA and is a Wildlife Specialist for the Navajo Nation. I just wanted her to know that I care about her personally, and that I do not have 'Knock Peggy Tendencies.' This article has nothing to do with her what so ever. I am a writer therefore I write. She is the hardest worker, and the most conscientious person that  I know. Very intelligent! She really should be full time. E'en though I would see her less.She does an excellent job at whatever she puts her hands to. And I love her very much! But I still advocate they need shook up a bit and put her on full time. But they did not ask me! That said, therefore, I move on toward this article!

    Now, I will retrogress back to Feb-August 4th, 2011. That is when it all was happening. What was happening you ask? Well, people getting sick on a product, and it is really easy to go for one or the other, e coli or, salmonella, the symptoms are basically the same. Cepting the e-coli goes for ground round and the salmonella heads toward the Poultry Bin. But they both do about the same damage, I might add, usually to your kidney’s, and then bingo, death. Only thing is Dr Blair, one of my Science Professors at Tulsa University told us, he had it once(Salmonella that is), and if you ever got it, ‘why you’d wish you were dead.” It was that bad. I didn’t need to get it, he made a believer out of me. But here the ole culprit was showing up in America, wrecking havoc all over the States.

    I just have one little, tiny, problem with the USDA now. Why did it take you from July 19th where you suspected, the Turkey coming from Cargill meat plant in Springdale, Ark., was making these people sick. YOU SAY, “ they were unable to issue a recall because they simply did not have enough information. AND YOU HAD TO DO A TRACEBACK.”

How sick do you gotta be, for someone to take notice. There is never any hard rock evidence, that is going to come knocking on your door and tell you “well, here we go again.  Food Poisoning did it, in the library with the hammer! You can’t seem to get a handle on this. You don’t seem to be going anywhere WITH THIS SALMONELLA and 3,000 people die a year and it HARDLY EVER VARIES. You should be having a better Success rate than to have a repetition of the same ole same ole, food poisoning, year after year. You better get you a new graph and figure out where you’ve gone wrong. Food Poisoning is Food Poisoning. Why wait till half of America goes ahead and buys the Turkey Burgers and consumes them, to tell them, why we suspected this two weeks ago, but we had to confirm and confirm and confirm with this paper and that paper and this paper. In the meantime, people are getting a hold of something that makes them feel like they want to be dead.

    Now I say all that, to say this. If you people in the USDA, who did this to the unsuspecting American people, were all locked into a room with a man or woman, that I JUST SUSPECTED, might be a murderer, I bet you’d want me to tell you what I suspect, wouldn’t you? Forget waiting on the Warden to send ME their papers to me to confirm, yup, HE REALLY DOES LIKE TO KILL PEOPLE. What if I waited, like you all did, and he really was a murderer and did you all in BECAUSE YOU WERE AVAILABLE, would you get the message then.

    Kids love Turkey Burgers, and they are ‘HEALTHY EATING,’ RIGHT?  Think how many kids ate them Turkey Burgers. I am thankful they have a bounce back attitude.
    You need to revamp your meetings to include some common sense, once in awhile. Now if what you were doing was changing the statistics on Food Poisoning, I’d say, Ok, I’m a DORK, and I owe you an apology. But you ain’t changing statistics according to Note # 1. I bet if my Sons(Of course, they are very helpful people!)got a hold of them Statistics they’d show you a chart that would boggle your minds. If your willing to listen that is. Well, you’ve definitely shown by this last action that you are in the ‘need help business.’

Take Note # 1: 
the federal health officials say they’ve made virtually no progress against it.
The CDC estimates that 50 million Americans each year get sick from food poisoning, including about 3,000 who die. Salmonella causes most of these cases, and federal health officials say they've made virtually no progress against it.

    No Results, wow, you’d be fired out in the real world.

    But I only have one last thing to say. YOUR INTO EVERYTHING, FOOD, DRUGS, ANIMALS, ETC. I hope your success ratio is better in these avenues. But I get this gut feeling they could probably use a little shaking up also. Air out the mattress, kinda thing!

    You’re a failure as an institution.

    I will listen to those people after July 19, who got this cruddy stuff, for they have a right to bawl. It hurts like Hell, IF YOU HAD STOOD UP FOR THEM AND TOSSED THE PAPER WORK TO THE WIND, I AT LEAST WOULD HAVE RESPECTED YOU. IF YOU NEED MORE PEOPLE, THEN SQUEAL LIKE A PIG. I DON’T HEAR NO PIGS SQUEALING even when you were dealing with the children’s ‘tylenol  issue.’ No pigs squealing! All you said was, 'we was short of people.'

    But I can say, emphatically, Pepto Bismol helps. Gas is a killer! I am pretty sure, the kidney is telling the lung to tell the heart to tell the head, ah, ‘it only hurts for a little while,’ especially while everything is bloated. THE TRUTH IS THE HEADS THE HEALER.

    My personal opinion, nah, this ain’t it. This is it, “my personal opinion is” THE USDA IS BLOATED IN THE HEAD, and it needs SOME ONE TO TELL IT THE TRUTH. IT NEEDS TO HEAL ITSELF.

    Go tell the Turkey Processor(that you Suspicioned in the first place), that Nina says, “they ain’t getting off so easy either,” for surely they got a ‘funny feeling’ while this all was going around, when it first started. They should have stood up and been counted as a possible culprit. People got a long memory. Don’t ever be guilty of putting Money above Health, ever again. I realize you had to recall 36 million lbs worth of Turkey and that was shall we say a ‘BITE OUT OF ONES PROFIT. But health is health! And one can’t put a dollar value on that, can one?

    After all, I love Turkey! And sounds like from the amount of the recall, so does America. I’m just glad this didn’t happen around Thanksgiving. Can you imagine almost everybody in America getting sick.
Now you talk about a bitch. There ain’t nothing as bad as making America angry.
One angry bitch!
Nah, I don’t think it’s ever happened. We’re a classy nation, PTL

ps my hubby says, it ain’t possible. People at Thanksgiving eat “WHOLE TURKEYS NOT GROUND ONES.” I THINK HE MISSED THE POINT OF THIS RANT, DON’T YOU?

Just a few notes I thought important:

Take Note # 2 :
All of the packages recalled include the code "Est. P-963," according to Cargill, though packages were labeled under many different brands. Many of the recalled meats are under the label Honeysuckle White. Other brands include Riverside Ground Turkey; Natural Lean Ground Turkey; Fit & Active Lean Ground Turkey; Spartan Ground Turkey and Shady Brook Farms Ground Turkey Burgers. The recall also includes ground turkey products packaged under the HEB; Safeway; Kroger; Randall's; Tom Thumb and Giant Eagle grocery store brands.
The recall also includes some ground turkey that isn't labeled at all and some that went to food service establishments, according to Cargill.

Take Note # 3 :
Dr. Chris Braden, director of the division of Foodborne, Waterborne, and Environmental Diseases at the CDC said out of the 78 people that have been sickened, 22 people, or 38 percent have been hospitalized, which are higher numbers than normal.

“We are working to explore why this may be,” Braden said. “We know the strain is resistant to several antibiotics, which may increase hospitalization and failure of treatment.”

Braden said the good news is that this strain, known as Salmonella Heidelberg, does respond to several other commonly used antibiotics such as Cipro and Bactrim.

Take Note # 4 :
Government officials say that even contaminated ground turkey is safe to eat if it is cooked to 165 degrees. But it's also important that raw meat be handled properly before it is cooked and people wash their hands with soap for at least 20 seconds before and after handling the meat. Turkey and other meats should also be properly refrigerated or frozen and leftovers heated.

The most common symptoms of salmonella are diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever within eight to 72 hours of eating a contaminated product. It can be life-threatening to people with weakened immune systems.

"It is regrettable that people may have become ill from eating one of our ground turkey products," said Willardsen -- "and, for anyone who did, we are truly sorry." I believe him, don’t you?

Read more: the associated press contributed all the numbered quotes above. 1,2,3 & 4. 

love nina
later more later

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Everything Looks Big to the Aged!

    You know I been kinda following the Politics of Debt Ceiling. I can’t really tell you who is doing what, just that there is plenty of opposition happening and a deadline coming up. After August 2nd, perhaps no checks for the Social Security Recipients. Saw that while surfing. Two elder people trying to figure out what they are going to do. No they weren’t doing a jig!
    First, I need to point out something to someone somewhere. If you don’t understand POWER, JUST GO AHEAD AND MESS WITH SOCIAL SECURITY HERE IN THE USA.

    Him being a lad no one expected him to kill the giant. Saul offered him armor he said no. he was going to fight the giant, with what he was most familiar with, stones. Plus HE KNEW HE WAS GONNA WIN, or he’d never dare do the feat. That kind of knowledge only comes from God!

    Now that is what I am going to do. My writing! Constitutes 5 little stones. I KNOW I AM GONNA WIN, or I’d never take on the Powerful who simply think they are powerful.

    I want you to understand POWER! This Country has them all over the place working and non working. Some are your neighbors. Some are your acquaintances. Some are your friends.


    After all this is important to them. Financial security is one of the attributes of Social Security. That is why they need to keep the few benefits that they possess. Maybe they can’t do nothing about loneliness, and maybe they can’t do nothing about agedness, but they can use the POWER THEY POSSESS IN UNITY TO LET OTHERS HEAR FROM THEM.
    LONELY PEOPLE GOT POWER. Listen to what I just said.
    ELDERLY PEOPLE GOT POWER. Listen to what I just said.
    MOUTHY PEOPLE GOT POWER. Listen to what I just said.

    If I were you, I would be afraid to stand up like Goliath!

love nina
later more later

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Political! Veer to the Right!

    I know this is going to be a veering off to the right. Especially since I have been writing these Political Treatises that I can only hope someone, somewhere gets to read. And now I also want to include the USA, no, not to give us democratic processes, we already have that, but I like my Country and I don’t want it to feel left out!

    I realize that is quite egotistical since I am a nobody with an unrecognizable name in the Journalistic World. But I still have an opinion and that is worth a try at influencing an idea or two within the confines of your minds, so why not put my best finger forward and seize the golden ring.

    Now I realize, that some are going to put this Treatise in the category of Religion. But it is not a Religious Theory concocted by a Religious Flame Thrower. This is definitely Political. And it is meant to influence someone,  to stand up and be counted Politically, in arenas that remain largely untouched by most Politicians, the arena of Personal Piety, believing and living what is true. The Right being Truth that is! I realize most Politicians stay in the Middle or to the Left of, "living it like it is."  

    Since I am a Political Person on my left, I veer Right also towards the truth. This being one and the same, it appears to me. Since that is a truth, then no one anywhere dare approach me with the adage that God can not be spoken of in a Political viewpoint. I ain’t in the public eye, therefore I can and will speak of God whenever it behooves me to make a point in said following story.

    Now to tell the story. But first a little lesson in Civility. I have had a person(who was simply being obnoxious) tell me once that they did not have time to listen to ‘one of my stories.’ Well, I told it anyway. I am a fast talker. Besides, his opinion warranted my opinion. It happens that way sometimes when one meets someone in person! There are all types of factors involved here. Some people just don’t like what you look like(sad but true) or what you say(sad but true). But I just like people so I did not take offense at him...we just parted agreeably to disagree. After all I am a Civil Person!

    But I am here to say, this Treatise is not a meeting of minds. This is a Treatise of a Political Nature(veering either Right or Left due to the fact that( I AM EVEN WRITING IT)and if you don’t have time to listen, or if you don’t like a story with God as the main character, then by all means, STOP READING NOW! YOU’VE BEEN WARNED, BUT DON’T CRY, "I’VE STEPPED ON YOUR TOES." Cause their ain’t no Judge in the USA gonna believe you. I hope! I have the Law on my side. I hope!

    Now back to the Story! Yes, I get side tracked by Tangents. It’s my Nature. I’m a woman! We think differently than men do.

    Once upon a time, I was sitting at my favorite seat nigh the computer when I spotted the story of dangerous storms going to be breaking out around Dallas, That is a Red Flag to my Mind, after all, I have a kid near there! On my Computer while I was surfing, I continued to think about this turn of events and came to the conclusion that I should bother Ruben at work! After all this was of a life and death emergency! I commenced to pick up the phone and call Ruben. Now I will fill you in on a little background. My Baby Son Ruben and his Wife Michelle, live in Terrell. I truly love them to the nth degree, eternity and beyond. So I pick up the phone and get Ruben at Work. We chit chatted a bit like I had no ulterior motive, and I asked him if it would be Ok if I sent a ‘Blessing their Way.’ Beings, that he has had them all his life growing up, he has never refused me EVER, nor has any of my other kids or grand kids or friends.(but I usually Bless them when they are going away).....he tolerates a concerned ole woman, so he said, "SURE"!. SO I BLESS HIM!. Listen man, I've even Texted a Blessing, when I forgot to give it in person, it works just as well. But some things require a phone call, like talk to the person in person.

The following is the Blessing:
    May God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, bless you and protect you all(this is Southern talk and includes Michelle), this whole time through. In Jesus Name I pray! Amen.
    It don’t take long to dispense a simple Blessing and then I chit chatted awhile and said my goodbyes.
    But let me say, I am 1000 miles away from Dallas and the only thing I got left to do when I see Storms breaking out all over and that is PRAY. So pray I did. Now I felt better.
    That evening, they were both home from work,  I was watching TV the Weather Station to be exact, and they showed a storm system, heading toward Frisco and up(so I prayed for them)I know some folks up there that are family) and then WALLA, it showed the storm heading out toward Terrell, WHICH I DID NOT EXPECT IT TO DO, about 30 miles to the East. This I REALLY did not expect. I thought they'd just all dissipate. And the weather men put them all under Tornado Watches & Warnings Now there ain’t nothing worse than seeing one of them storms bearing down, on loved ones. They live in a home with no basement or storm cellar, and quite frankly, no place to run. I was panicked, ready for one of those anxiety pills the Dr Psychiatrist, gave me whenever I got to fly again, cause the pilot, a couple of months before in Dallas, had this weird laugh, when two planes were supposed to occupy the same space at takeoff. Don’t want that happening again, not if I’m in my right mind. GIVE ME A PILL! No, I haven’t taken it, I haven’t flown again, but I got um just in case I do.....and yes, I will take them! No, my husband was Ok, he was flying with me, NO BOTHER TO HIM. That’s weird! Normal people worry me sometimes! I told him that and he said, “after living with you Nina, nothing seems weird anymore to me.”(I told you, the Tangents come running while writing!)

    Well, back to Terrell and my kids.

    The storm is still bearing down on Terrell. And alls I can do is watch tv.


     They would be ok. Now I knew it. So I watched the TV. And it showed Terrell under warning. And the storm kept bearing down on the kids. A very long time it seemed to take, but only the speed of a Tornado, is what it really was! But suddenly, the Tornado that was heading toward Terrell, hit in Kaufman instead. They said, it jumped over Terrell. The kids were safe and protected.

    I talked to Ruben later and he said, “well, if you were concerned why didn’t you call us while it was happening.”........and that was a decent question.....I wasn’t sure why I failed to do that. But he said it laughingly, knowing me all too well! Only thing is, if I had of, I am sure I woulda been slightly unnerved(OK I’ll tell the, TRUTH, A WHOLE LOT UN-NERVED. And could have upset them which is what I did not want to do! KEEP QUIET! LET IT HAPPEN, is my Philosophy! But I did have the presence of mind to tell him that I was concerned enough to call and Bless him BEFORE IT HAPPENED, that afternoon. “AND I BLESSED YOU EARLIER IN THE DAY, DON’T YOU REMEMBER!” He indeed remembered.

    Later, I told my husband, after I had given it some thought, what he said, “well, it’s kinda like the butterfly that flaps his wings in the forest, is there a repercussion somewhere else down the line? I THINK SO.”


    So I write this with the understanding that a Blessing is indeed important business! Even when it’s given casually. Even a blessing from a very ordinary person.
    And yes, our family is just ordinary! Political for sure! And so am I! But we have an EXTRAORDINARY GOD! One does not have to be perfect to get prayers answered for themselves or for non-perfect people. One has to be found praying! In the only name God recognizes! JESUS!

    Now, I know you are going to say, what about Kaufman? Well, that is in God’s Hands too. I didn’t have anything to do with where the Tornado hit that night, I did have something to do with it not hitting Terrell.

The following is the Blessing:
    May God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, bless you and protect you all, this whole time through. In Jesus Name I pray! Amen.

    Bless your kids(Rebecca & Russ & GrandKids Abby &, Izzy)(Robert & Jennifer)(Rathan & Barbara & Grandkids Audrey, Joshua, Jacob & Daniel)(Ruben & Michelle)!
    Bless others! Extended Families, Friends, Acquaintances, Enemies!
    Bless your Town(Many Farms, Lawrence, Tulsa, Sand Springs, Dallas, Frisco, Mead, Durant, Terrell, Georgetown, Cedar Park, Austin)
     Bless your State(Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas)
     Could even Bless the USA.

Remember a Blessing never has to be explained just Remembered!

He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus. - Galatians 3:14

     See I told you, when you influence that many people.  You veer to the Right and,
Life goes on, here in the USA!

love nina
later more later

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

President Bashar Assad’s Crackdown!

    Troops backed by tanks, snipers & knife-wielding security forces, portend a place in History in the middle east. This man is bound and determined to keep his post. He has gotten tougher as the 5 weeks of turmoil come to fruition in Syria. He want’s to keep what he’s got. The protestors, wish for him to end the uprising in a peaceable manner as they go to one after another funerals through their streets, of those that have been taken down. They felt like they had a glimmer of hope, but alas, now they face an ever tougher 'demander of quells' to the rebellion in their President.

    This is not good. NATO has spoken against such action also. I have noted our own Country has instigated Sanctions against Syria for their bloody quelling of men who are not allowed a different view of opinion. At the very least, we are doing something, at long last. I only hope it's enough to help turn the tide.

 Getting tougher does not seem to be the answer. That only makes the remaining ones fight harder to obtain what they want. And no matter what you do to quell them, they will come out of the woodwork!

    How can a man make himself into such a hideous creature that no one outside of his own Country thinks highly of him anymore. I am sure this type of Civil War, raging inside Syria is not good for Syria’s standing in the World Scene.  I wonder who is giving him advise? They are surely half-heartedly doing this, for if they truly believe what they are suggesting to him, what a pitiful bunch of people, he has surrounded himself with. They have to know they are making him into a monster, no one likes. I for one thought he was Ok when this all started, he seemed sensible from what I was reading, plus he had a beautiful wife, but now I do not. He has had 5 weeks to show his true colors and show them he has done it. As one witness says, ‘it’s war to annihilate pro-democracy movement.’
    Now really, how does Assad think most Countries would not be furious at him and his actions to put down a revolt, he does not agree with. How inhuman of him to activate this type of murderous belief. How can he justify such action and live with himself and sleep well at night.
These are his very own people and he seems to care naught for one of them, only for himself to maintain his present stature. Why couldn’t he have just incorporated these people into his present regime, with favorable laws that would benefit all and try to solve some of the problems that beset them all. He has taken a detestable situation and made it shameful.
    Assad appears to favor Iran which is not a good idea. For we know they are on the losing side against Israel. He certainly will not come out smelling like a Rose. It will be formidable task to find friends to back him and play along side his 'melee of disaster.' I guess he has not thought this out to it’s finished product. Nothing will be gained by this action of his. Nada! In fact, he will be unable to visit decent folk when he desires to venture out into the World. His family surely will not be welcomed either. Why would a man put his family into that kind of situation?
    I only hope he comes to his senses and decides that perhaps he is wrong. There is naught wrong with being ‘WRONG.’ There is everything wrong with perpetuating evil upon your very own people, and other innocent civilians and by standers.
    There is everything ‘RIGHT,’ with ‘repentance.’ Change your mind, turn around and go the other way. Why fight till the bitter end? You’ll just end up a ‘bitter old man.’ And even your family will not like the kind of man, you have become. I bet if you asked them, they would tell you the truth. Family has a way about telling the Truth that the ‘hired help’ will not do. They will just agree with you, because ‘you butter their bread.’ Family knows you. Family loves you. Family is the closest thing to God you will find. For God says, ‘he puts the Solitary in Families.’
 Listen to them and what they are saying and ‘you might hear God!’ He’ll tell you what to do.

Love Nina
Later, more later


Warning! Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Everybody seems to be chasing their tail, round and round they go, nowhere to stop and regroup.
It’s as if, we have become afraid of a ‘mad’ man. If  Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not making any sense, he indeed, is considered by all, to be a man ‘mad,’ at the world. Why would we, be placing any value, on any words that he spoke. How can one honestly believe a ‘mad’ man, is going to be placing ‘truth’ on anything. He can’t, for he don’t understand ‘the truth.’ It is a foreign concept to him. A bully is indeed a man, 'mad at the world.'
If he told us he was being co-operative, and complying with everything our Sanctions asked for, could we ‘truly believe him?’

Now here we are concerned, that this tiny County is fixing to have Nuclear Weapons, and aim them at Israel and ‘punch the button.’
Well that is a valid concern on everybody's part. Even if he says, he ain’t going into nukes, who’s to ‘trust’ what he has to say,’ if he gets his weapons to working properly that is. But he has a few years to get to that kind of feasible avenue of ‘show off.’ And supposedly, they are for generating energy for his Country.

Well, he really needs to stay inside the confines of his own 4 walls, and generate some sensible energy within his Country, and quit running over here telling us, what he is going to do, and not going to do. Why should we have to be subjected to listening to him or looking at him, for that matter. That is just giving the nutcase, what he wants(attention). I really hate being manipulated by a ‘mad man,’ and I'm just a peon.

So we have invoked Sanctions on Iran. Well that is like pouring grease on a fire. All that is going to happen is, one, we will end up getting a bigger flame. Sanctions will not stop some isolated man, who wants attention, from getting it. He’ll invent new ways we ain’t thought of yet. His desire for attention is that deep. This is, I repeat, just his way of getting attention. I truly believe that 'attention,' is surely more important to him, than any damage he can do. He is a true egoist.

Has anyone considered telling the man, what will happen to his Country and people, if he so much as ‘GRAZES THE ISRAELI GRASS.'’ To even hint to us, and them, at sending a Nuclear Weapon their way, should be enough to make him understand, we in the USA, protect our friend Israel, to the nth degree. That would mean insurmountable damage, done to his tiny County also.


He surely would ‘not fare thee well, AND HIS PIDDLY REIGN, WOULD BE OVER WITH, FOR SURE. NO MORE ATTENTION. He would not win against us. That is that. I personally believe somebody ought to ‘WARN’ him what is coming his way, if he stupidly follows the vapor trail of his rockets, heading to Israel, WHICH HE HAS THREATENED TO DO, hopefully, this Administration, plus the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, plus the Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta  plus the President, Barack Hussein Obama, will make a believer out of him, that's a worthy occupation for a woman or a man.

Someone needs to tell him to straighten his 'ACT UP,' SO AS TO 'PROTECT  HIS COUNTRY.' Then the International Communities, will send him all the help he wants, might even 'listen' to him . Why enforce Sanctions,  Promises are pretty effective. One's Negative, One's Positive, and we  really should have a Positive Foreign Policy if at all possible.

But even if we as a Country, desire, non-nuclear Countries,(as any SANE PERSON WILL), remember, that stick still comes into play, in the game he is playing.

 At the very least, we should take the ‘air out of his sail,' BY TELLING HIM, ‘WE’RE NOT UPHOLDING HIM(Ahmadinejad) AND IRAN, WE’RE UP HOLDING NETANYAHU AND ISRAEL.’
    Why are we letting a bully call the shots? Bully's should not be in 'control..'
    What I do not understand is why are we ‘groveling with a mad man?’

Love Nina
Later more later

Switcheroo! Afghan President Hamid Karzai

The Hamid Karzai remarks were the latest sign of tension between the two administrations, despite President Obama's meeting with Hamid Karzai over the weekend during his unexpected trip to Afghanistan. The Afghan president last month invited Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Kabul, where he delivered an anti-American speech inside the palace. Hamid Karzai has also recently visited China and Iran. (Quote from the Internet-Associated Press)We sure know ahead of the game, that Iran is Anti-Israel. How could he do this? I thought he was Pro-democracy!

Now this does not sit well, with any American, I am sure. No where, do we expect a man who’s been here to America(whom we have helped before), to deliver anti-American speeches to Iran and China or have them delivered to him. It does not sit well with me, to have Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, going into this guys castle at Kabul, and bad mouthing us, with anti-American speech. Puts Hamid Karzai, right up there, on the same level, with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, where it becomes obvious, they both, think ill of us(It’s no newsflash what Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, believes about us) You got to be very careful, entertaining, enemies of one's friends. It can look like, all may not be above board. There is a tendency to gossip, about the one not present. And we know gossip can get vitriolic, rapidly. Just to be on the safe side, I repeat, one does not entertain, one's friends, enemies.

I guess, it’s only a matter of time, before Hamid Karzai will make himself known. Like, who’s side, he is really on. It’s just too bad we have to side off, but we do. That way we know, who is for us and who is against us.  He was formerly for us, He seems to be presently against us. Who’s side, he is on in the Future, seems to be anybody's guess. His Loyalty Zig Zags all over the place.

That, is too bad, for he does appear, to have some intelligence. I have been reading up on him at

I will say this, in his defense, he ain't afraid of no one. He just keeps on trucking along, even after repeated attempts on his life. Yiyaa, for him on that.

To quote Assassination Attempts of Hamid Karzai:

    * 5 September 2002: An assassination attempt was made on Hamid Karzai in Kandahar City. A gunman wearing the uniform of the new Afghan National Army opened fire, wounding Gul Agha Sherzai (former governor of Kandahar) and an American Special Operations officer. The gunman, one of the President's bodyguards, and a bystander who knocked down the gunman were killed when Hamid Karzai's American bodyguards returned fire. Recently, some pictures of the US Navy's DEVGRU responding to the attempt have surfaced. Allegedly one of their members was wounded.[citation needed]

    * 16 September 2004: An attempted assassination on Hamid Karzai took place when a rocket missed the helicopter he was flying in while en route to Gardez.

    * 10 June 2007: The Taliban attempted to assassinate Hamid Karzai in Ghazni where Hamid Karzai was giving a speech to elders. The Taliban fired approximately 12 rockets, some of which landed 220 yards (200 m) away from the crowd. Hamid Karzai was not hurt in the incident and was transported away from the location after finishing his speech.

Search Wikinews

Wikinews has related news: President of Afghanistan uninjured after assassination attempt

    * 27 April 2008: Insurgents, reportedly from the Haqqani network, used automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades to attack a military parade that Hamid Karzai was attending in Kabul. Hamid Karzai was safe, but at least three people were killed, including a parliamentarian, a ten-year-old girl and a minority leader, and ten injured. Others attending the event included government ministers, former warlords, diplomats and the military top brass, all of whom had gathered to mark the 16th anniversary of the fall of the Afghan communist government to the mujahideen. Responding to the attack during the ceremony, the United Nations said the attackers "have shown their utter disrespect for the history and people of Afghanistan." Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid claimed responsibility for the attack, stating, "We fired rockets at the scene of the celebration." He went on to say there were 6 Taliban at the scene and that 3 were killed. "Our aim was not to directly hit someone," Mujahed said when asked if the intention was to kill Hamid Karzai. "We just wanted to show to the world that we can attack anywhere we want to". The ability of the attackers to get so close to Hamid Karzai suggested they had inside help. Defense minister Wardak confirmed that a police captain was connected with the group behind the assassination attempt and that an army officer supplied the weapons and ammunition used in the attack.
    * This kind of news makes you root for the underdog, don't it?
    *  Makes one wonder, if he ain't got an
    * Angel, watching over him.
    * Most people don't live through one attempt. Yiyaa again

But we, need to be careful how we treat Hamid Karzai, none the less. Why should he get the perks of America, if he is going to go behind our backs, or in front of us, and complain about what we are doing, in trying to oversee, his democratic, voting system. He needs a taste of Loyalty.


He has a ‘win at all cost attitude,’ when it comes to his, being voted in as president of his Country, even though, it was a fraud ridden contest, and even he knows, it wasn’t ‘fair and square,’ or there would be no doubts permeating the airways. To quote Wikipedia, "In this second presidential election, Hamid Karzai was announced to have received over 50% of the votes. The election was tainted by lack of security, low voter turnout and widespread ballot stuffing, intimidation, and other electoral fraud.

Two months later Hamid Karzai accepted calls for a second round run-off vote, which was scheduled for 7 November 2009. On 2 November 2009, Hamid Karzai's run-off opponent, Abdullah Abdullah, withdrew from the race and election officials announced the cancellation of the run-off race. Hamid Karzai, the only remaining contender, was declared the winner a short time later."


He, from all appearances, has done his Country, some good, and most of all, he needs to continue, to do his Country good. But not, if he, is not truly representative of the people, who wanted him there, or did not want him there. Either way! He won! E’en, if it be, through a, Quasi-Afghanistanian-Tainted-Democracy. I truly believe he does want to benefit his Country. He would be a ridiculous Leader if he did not. But, he needs to be working with, our Military not against it(with his Taliban Tendencies.) One cannot go back to the old days(the way it used to be), it does not work. He needs to move on.

To quote Wikipedia, "Hamid Karzai was officially sworn in as President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on 7 December 2004, at a formal ceremony in Kabul. Many interpreted the ceremony as a symbolically important "new start" for the war-torn nation. Notable guests at the inauguration included the country's former King, Zahir Shah, three former US presidents, and US Vice President Dick Cheney. But one wonders at what cost?"

Oh, well, it is an unfolding story, that will play out on the World stage, with our Military Presence overseeing it. For good or bad, this is the scene. Who are we helping? I for the life of me, do not know the answer to that. Those people are tough. Strikes me, they may not even want our help, but now that they have it, at least, their President, should not be acting like, we are not helping them, for we are doing what we think feasible, for Afghanistan and it’s people. What is Hamid Karzai doing, but sowing discord, to his neighbors, by allowing them a soapbox, un-censored and un-fettered, concerning us. Makes one wonder, what he tells his people! Makes one wonder, what he tells our Leaders?

Quotes from Wikipedia, "Starting in 2009, the US and a number of western nations attempted to distance themselves from Karzai. International criticism has centered around the government of Hamid Karzai for failing to secure the country from Taliban attacks, systemic governmental corruption, and most recently, widespread claims of electoral fraud in the 2009 Afghan presidential election. Hamid Karzai staunchly defended the election balloting, stating that some statements criticizing the balloting and vote count were "totally fabricated." He told the media that, "There were instances of fraud, no doubt... There were irregularities... But the election as a whole was good and free and democratic." He further went on to say that, "Afghanistan has its separate problems and we have to handle them as Afghanistan finds it feasible... This country was completely destroyed... Today, we are talking about fighting corruption in Afghanistan, improved legal standards... You see the glass half empty or half full. I see it as half full. Others see it as half empty."

Another quote from Wikipedia, "In a 2008 interview, Hamid Karzai expressed his feelings towards the United States by stating: "If I am called a puppet because we are grateful to America, then let that be my nickname." Although many in United States charge that Iran is meddling in Afghanistan's affairs, Hamid Karzai believes that Iran is only a friend of Afghanistan, despite Iranian-made arms being found in his country. In 2007, Hamid Karzai contradicted US assessments on Iran's role in Afghanistan by saying that Iran, so far, has been a helper in the reconstruction process.

On 5 August 2007, Hamid Karzai was invited to Camp David in Maryland, USA, for a special meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush. In October 2007, Hamid Karzai again rejected Western accusations against Iran, stating, "We have resisted the negative propaganda launched by foreign states against the Islamic Republic, and we stress that aliens' propaganda should not leave a negative impact on the consolidated ties between the two great nations of Iran and Afghanistan."

Hamid Karzai added, "The two Iranian and Afghan nations are close to each other due to their bonds and commonalities, they belong to the same house, and they will live alongside each other for good." However, just a year prior Hamid Karzai warned that, "Iran, Pakistan, and others are not fooling anyone."

    "If they don’t stop, the consequences will be ... that the region will suffer with us equally. In the past we have suffered alone; this time everybody will suffer with us.... Any effort to divide Afghanistan ethnically or weaken it will create the same thing in the neighboring countries. All the countries in the neighborhood have the same ethnic groups that we have, so they should know that it is a different ball game this time."

    —Hamid Karzai, 17 February 2006

Afghanistan has bred, some truly despotic and despicable people, who have Terrorist inclinations, for they always seem to be training, in that Country, for Individual Warfare with Suicidal Tendencies.

But, true to form, they are deemed, to have trained, the best! This shows, one has to be careful, how one deals with these type of people. They do not seem to have any loyalties, whatsoever, except to violence, for it is just, whoever feeds them that day, or who ever can benefit them the Greatest. But at the very least, we do understand, the kinds of people we are dealing with, AND IT’S LEADER. Switcheroo’s, which is good.

                For who knows, maybe they will




Lv Nina
Later, more later

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Peace! Prime Minister Netanyahu

 Bonhoeffer said. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to stand is to stand. There is a clear line between good and evil and it is becoming more clear each day. I urge you to do your homework. Find out where the good is and stand there! 'I got the above quote from Glen Beck. Thought it 'good.'

This is in reference to a Diplomatic standing America took, to the announcement of apartments being build by Israel and some of their comments made. They were simply stated unhappy about it, cause it would interfere with the Mideast Peace Process. SORRY PEOPLE, BUT THAT'S A NO, NO TO ME! BEING UNHAPPY WITH ISRAEL, NOT SO SMART. We should be calling them friends, and one is not unhappy with their friends. ONE UNDERSTANDS FRIENDS! One is unhappy with their ENEMIES!

Peace! Prime Minister Netanyahu

  I am writing a book about the Jews and the Arabs. Naw, it is not finished. It’s a hard book to write. I have learned quite a bit about both, by the way. So I start this treatise, by asking you?

    How the hell, are you going to garner Peace in a region that has long been known as the place where Armageddon will happen at the Battle of Megiddo? I have been instructed by God to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, but I am also smart enough to figure out there ain’t gonna be no peace between the Arabs and the Jews. There will never be peace between the ‘Flesh~Ismael and the ‘Promise~Isaac.’ Don’t waste your time thinking the Palestinians want only Jerusalem. Israel is standing between us and the Palestinian-Arabs not us standing between Israeli and the Palestinian-Arabs. How dorky can the USA be?

    Leave Netanyahu, to be Prime Minister of Israel. It looks like he is doing exactly what the people want him to do. He must have been a really good leader for the Israeli’s to put him back in office again We are not now, and have never had, to buy our way into the good graces, of any Country. Friendship is not based on how big your pocket book is. It is based on ‘respect and love.’ I  for one love Netanyahu and respect him greatly. I used to pray for him repeatedly during his first tenure in office as President. And now he is back in full glory. That is more than I can say about some of our leaders who are bought by ‘money.’

    Netanyahu is ‘inflaming passions’ by this special announcement that  Israel will build 1,600, housing units in East Jerusalem.

    How the hell, do you inflame passions between the Arabs and the Jews. That is about as oxymoronish as saying, honeymooners aren’t passionate and screwing each other. Of course, the Arabs want the wailing wall, and they are passionate about it, because they ain’t got enough walls to wail on. Of course, the Jews want Jerusalem, IT IS THEIR CAPITAL. THEY HAVE BEEN INVADED AND THEY WANT IT BACK, IT’S QUITE SIMPLE. The Jews have a history that begins with David buying the Threshing Floor of Araunah. 2Sa 24:21  And Araunah said, "Why has my lord the king come to his servant?" David said, "To buy the threshing floor from you, in order to build an altar to the LORD, that the plague may be averted from the people."  This is where the temple is built. They were going to give it to him, he said, no I’ll pay for it. 2Sa 24:24  But the king said to Araunah, "No, but I will buy it from you for a price. I will not offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God that cost me nothing." So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.

Why would anyone want anything that did not cost them anything, money or maybe otherwise. Maybe the Jews can Pay the Arabs for Jerusalem, but that would be asking a lot, on both sides. Maybe, but I doubt they will find my comments, stable. At least, that is better than signing a 'PEACE OF PAPER' unless it was an honest to goodness 'DEED,' which the Israelites own anyway WITH OR WITHOUT THAT PEACE OF PAPER. JERUSALEM’S NOT A BARGAINING POINT!  WE HUMAN’S DIDN’T INVENT HEAVEN! JERUSALEM BELONGS TO THE JEWS, PERIOD. SUBJECT CLOSED!

    They say, Netanyahu, has offended us here in the USA and is not ‘grateful’ enough to ‘big brother.’ Well, I think he is smarter than that. I think all the Israeli’s are smart enough to be ‘grateful’ to us. I feel it, even if our 3 main leaders do not. But by being grateful one does not have to sell, their soul, to do as the ‘money talks.’

    Wake up, go into the Wailing Wall and look around. Those Jews are talking to God with everything they are. Those Jews, are grateful to God for what He has provided for them, even the lack of provisions, I think they are grateful for. They know you have to ‘Enter His Gates, with Thanksgiving, His Courts with Praise. David’s Psalms. But I would be careful if I were the USA, of course, I am the USA, it is not good to fool around with, Father God. He has his Right Hand over the Israelites. I only pray he has his Left hand over me, My Family, My Friends, My Acquaintances. I can plead can’t I? Cause it’s beginning to look like the USA has swayed away from treating Israel right, which puts them in a bad place.Yet, if you Stand Up, Be Counted, and GET A LITTLE NOISY(sign my column or speak-tell another)I pray the left hand extends to you also. Hey, I believe in prayer. Anything is possible! I don't have to see the answers but sometimes God rewards us from our prayer closet by allowing us to see the answers.

They have a smaller unemployment rate than we do, they must be doing something right. Course, probably, some of that accounts for the fact, that they have enforced Military Service, at a certain age. That is, because, they have, to have a strong Military presence in the Middle East and cannot afford for their young people to veer away from Nationalism and Jewism.
    One other minor point, Israel has seemed to offend, the moderate Arabs according to some high ranking individuals over here. Another oxymoron. There is not such thing as a moderate Arab. How can you offend something that does not exists. There are Arabs that are ‘upset’ at the ‘happenings’ around them. So be it. One must never live their lives, running from ‘upset.’ If you do the devil will just keep um coming.......and trying to always please the devil, will get you on the same train. It ain’t going no where.

     Now they also, obviously, got a thing or two to teach us about SECURITY. I would think so. They been battling that, way before this Country knew what a Terrorist was.

    I would be careful, America, I quote myself, in my "You Can't Fiddle In The Wind,' Book, "as Israel goes, so goes America." History seems to support that idea.

    Now I will be the first to state, as the     WORD, says, CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY, WHOM YOU WILL SERVE, IF BAAL FOLLOW HIM, BUT IF GOD FOLLOW HIM. Now I hope you all do realize I am paraphrasing from Scriptures that I know.

Alls I am saying, is this, “We got to be careful who’s side we are really on. As for me and my family, we shall follow the Lord.”
    How can Israel, insult us? All they want, is to be able to do their own thing. And we need to Diplomatically support them from America. Not criticize their every move. They don’t need America telling them what to do, they got the Bible for that, God himself. Get real.

And more than that, how would America feel, not so smug I bet. if their Jewish family was slaughtered by thieves in the night. HOW HORRIBLE, INNOCENT CIVILIANS and CHILDREN TO BOOT. HOW VERY COWARDLY OF THEIR ENEMIES. After that America certainly would not have all the answers. but, yes, Israel is now looking for the answers, till they come, as to who did it, and why they did it. They sure don’t need us telling them WHAT TO BUILD AND WHERE TO BUILD OR TO GIVE UP MORE LAND! The Arabs don’t want more land! When are we ever gonna learn, THEY WANT ALL THE LAND!

When did we become so utterly smitten by another's ‘point of view?’ Israel is not us. LET PEOPLE DIFFER FOR GOODNESS SAKE! We are a BIGGER COUNTRY THAN THAT!




Love Nina
Later more later

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Waiting Zone

    Sometimes, we all try to make a difference, whether it be in our writings, in our work, aligning ourselves up with some cause, or anything else, that puts forth some effort to make a change. The important thing is that we have attempted to be, a part of the solution, a part of the answer, in 'THE TRYING ZONE' Even if we go unheeded, or unnoticed 'we tried'. That, my friends, is the best we can hope for, at times, and then there is the big one 'the waiting zone.’ A zone we have all stepped into whether we like it or not. It happens to the best of us, no one escapes,THE WAITING ZONE.’  It is given to develop character.

     Even the events that are happening in Japan, have produced a stoic, 'WAIT AND SEE' attitude. Japan will prevail, this we all pray and hope for, but 'wait they will.' Working to maintain some kind of normalcy while they 'wait' for things to return to the stability they knew before. It remains a necessary part of life, 'THIS WORD CALLED WAIT.' It has it's ups and downs, trying to be a Patient Person. Patience is not a Virtue many of us possess. At least not Job like Patience.He didn't like his loss, but at least he didn't blame God for it. God replaced everything he lost, maybe not like he woulda liked, but the way a 'SOVEREIGN GOD ACTS!' AFTER ALL HE DOES NOT TAKE ORDERS FROM US, WE TAKE ORDERS FROM HIM. But he'll certainly talk to you about what you feel and won't condemn you for feeling it.

It is not something, anyone likes to do, for sure, for we are an 'Instant Society,' but 'WAIT WE MUST,' for PROGRESS IS SLOW. It will be difficult at best, to feel like one is making a difference when one goes to clean up their pea patch with so much disarray surrounding them. But that is what it takes. TO START IS 95% OF IT. The other 5% is JUST DOING IT. It is by far easier to look at it and say, 5% is easy enough to do. THIS MESS AIN'T THAT BAD. WE CAN DO IT!!!
With an Earthquake, Tsunami  and Radiation

    Well, today the news coverage is certainly varied. A Natural Disaster and a Massacre of Innocent Civilians, are at the forefront of it all. They say the French are going to be the first to go in to maintain a ‘no fly zone’ in Libya. That is good. 'THE WAIT IS OVER.' Something is working, and yes, it is about time, someone, somewhere decided to act. At long last, the answer comes. Why the delay? Who knows. To allow Kadhafy and his government forces to dig in deeper I guess, not to mention those poor men who died because of the delay. BUT THE IMPORTANT WORDS ARE, 'THE FRENCH STARTED IT.' THAT IS 95% OF THE, 'ODYSSEY.' THE ANSWER HAS ARRIVED. Now for the other 5%. THE  ODE, itself.

     No one is going to mention THE BELATED TIMES, now that the ACTION has begun. The unspoken ones, the un-speaking, who died trying their best, to keep the hounds of hell at bay, finally succumbed in a hard earned fight to possess freedom. They did not live to tell their story. And they say time does not  matter. We were a day late and a dollar short of settling their differences, their desire to see a new leader come to power, and allowing them to see the light of day. They are part of the legacy of the people who gave their lives, 'waiting on the answer.' They did not get to see the answer but they got to be a part of the answer, this due in part to the area of the ZONE THEY FOUND THEMSELVES IN, 'the waiting zone.' And hopefully none falls during THE ODE, but that is not being realistic. May I learn to accept the inevitable price, and may my prayers extend to all, and may peace prevail, where there was no peace.

    The National Community did not want bad things to happen anymore to the these innocent people, who simply stated desired freedom for the populace.

      So the day came. Like any other day, but 'no more waiting.' That is so important for everyone to understand. 'NO MORE WAITING.' 95% reared it's head. It was time to act and act we did, in a Group. Each Country with their own agenda for wanting this to stop, Americans, Canadians, French, Great Britain's, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Turkey, NATO even Arabs, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Jordan, Saudi Arabia etc.

    Now we must feel better. No more trying to attempt to differentiate why, how  or who. We cannot handle every Country and it's rebellion, in this manner, each has to be considered on it's own Merit and decided accordingly. But we do see why, they all want freedom to choose. Each Country must decide for itself what it is that is needed to continue down the path toward personal freedom, and act accordingly in their attempt to make a change. We hope to give when we can, but we are not the World's Policemen attempting to tell others what to do.

But yes, we hope to bring 'healing as the World's Dr.' when we can, cause we understand. But each Country is an entity by itself. Not to be confused with another Country Libya, that is grabbing what perks they can in a land that has subdued them like a desert that refuses to allow rain drops to sit atop it's leaves. This much we know, the Rebels of Libya want to win. I don't care what they did before they became a Rebel, they have unified themselves to ouster Kadhafy. That I care about. Give them the means!

OUR MILITARY IS GRAND BECAUSE IT IS UNIFIED. Yes, We want them to win or we would not have touched their ground with one missile which cost us millions let alone many. We decided. We can't change our minds just because things don't exactly go as planned. Let me re-iterate. WE DECIDED! So did the International Community, to attempt to stop a massacre that took one 12 year old boys hand plus fingers on the other hand, AND MANY LIVES. We cannot stand by and allow this type of action to continue. We must help. The USA is part of this. The Group, The National Community has spoken. This is why it is feasible. WE CAME TO HELP WITH AS MANY PARTNERS AS WE COULD GENERATE.

TO START IS 95% OF IT. The other 5% is JUST DOING IT(That 5% don't include changing your mind about your goal.) It is by far easier to look at it and say, I CAN DO 5%. 5% is easy enough to do. THIS MESS AIN'T THAT BAD. WE CAN DO IT!!!

I say 'give the Rebels help.' Lots of it.
I don't understand half-heartedness.

It is about time we had some good news. Someone, someplace is attempting to make this so. 
whether we want it or not, sometimes the solution is thrust upon us, the best happens,

Thursday, March 10, 2011


        Put a bounty on the planes!
    To get the forces of Kadhafy, to stop bombing the rebels, key towns and oil fields, one must consider giving a bounty  for each  plane delivered by the pilots........

    1. For every plane they fly into neutral cities, they are to receive 1 million dollars plus they can stay in the city they fly into protected by every means possible under an amnesty given by said Country.
    3. This defection of pilots, will be their own people. They will not need other Militaries to come in and maybe not be wanted even though they are tying to keep the blood bath down. Kadhafy don’t care what price he pays in his people being hurt, maimed and killed. Alls he’s interested in is keeping his Dictatorship, at all costs. That’s a sign of a madman.
    4. The USA, all cities, NATO and all Countries that have a reason for the downfall of Kadhafy, can put up the bounty as well. Thereby ensuring money is there to pay them with.
    5. Put out this info on the TV, internet, phone, paper and word of mouth. This will ensure Kadhafy will not let his planes fly, for fear of his pilots going AWOL and partaking of the bounty that people are trying to help them out with.
    6. Other Arab Countries cannot object to this in fact they can help with the money it takes to implement this Movement on the part of the Rebels and also it will be stated that the Rebels are Ok with this particular POA.
    7. Most of Kadhafy’s Airmen and Army,  are not loyal to him, they get paid for their jobs, and they do it out of fear of retribution if they don’t. But if we make sure, they are paid well for the price of the plane, we will not need a ‘NO FLY ZONE,” FOR NOTHING WILL BE FLYING. They will defect IF ALLOWED TO FLY.
    8. This will guarantee the Rebels of a fair fight, and with this kind of action taking place they will gain impetus to fight longer, faster and better with renewed vigor. And eventually win the un-winnable.
    9. This will also protect the Oil of the People, for if Kadhfy goes down, he will take down the Oil with him. THEREBY KEEPING THE PEOPLE POOR. For with no oil, they will have no money to buy needed items.
    10. We cannot stand by and do nothing, no more. It is time TO ACT.
    11. This will work.
    12. It means we will lose no men to a War, Kadhfy says we are responsible for intervening in, thereby making him a liar. We just need to remind him, of the fact that we have some of our best minds, working on a solution to an ugly situation.
    13. And we will come out smelling like a rose, and putting an end to the strife of Civil War.


    Raymond Don Levins-Computer Teacher & Network Technologist, MFHS via Nina

Monday, February 28, 2011


    Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Iran, Libya. Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon, Yeman, DjiBouti, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Mauritania, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Greece, India, China US, this list just keeps on getting bigger and bigger, Countries where change is being brought to the forefront. Each one trying and succeeding to do their part. And yet, in some places,  change does not occur immediately! But no one who has tried to bring about change and failed to do so, should ever think the World did not notice. It did. And someday, change will come. Slowly, methodically and harmoniously, but it will come. And it will come easily. Be patient. Will the Power of the People prevail. Well, if I were a betting man, I’d say, “yes.”

And I am guilty of drawing lots of lots. Like Jonah the lot usually falls on me. To which I reply, well, ‘what in the world does that mean?’ I think it means, I’m the reason for such and such actions to befall us. Once on our way here to Many Farms, Az, we drew lots as to who was responsible for us having to move here from Oklahoma, in the first place. I didn’t want to move, but my husband got a job here. Anyway, the lot fell on me. So I ended up being the reason. Shocked me! I surely thought I was the innocent in all of it. Maybe so. I really do try hard to get it right, but I guess trying ain’t where it’s at. My reasons for actions I take seem pretty justified to me, but maybe not to God. That’s where I pray. Mostly for others, for I’m not really sure what to pray for me, other than, for forgiveness. But your welcome to pray for me, whatever you choose, however you choose, and whenever you choose. I'm game!

    But back to the oppressed peoples escaping their oppressors and finally and at last giving their leaders their just dues, because their leaders have made it oppressive on the people. When one has the majority on their side, just about anything can be accomplished. Hopefully lets hope it all turns out to be for their betterment. Most of them would certainly say so. As I’ve heard them state, ANY THING IS BETTER THAN WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO, SO DOWN WITH THEIR LEADERS.

    But what I am finding from the two(Tunisia-Egypt) that have succeeded is, they just are not sure where to go from here. It’s a ‘new beginning,’ a ‘starting over’ from ‘scratch.’ Should they go with someone they know, a very popular guy everybody likes, or one of their old ministers or an old prime minister, should they go the democratic route, and vote um in, which takes order and some sort of skeleton prototype to even accomplish that. And then the old question, how much power to allay to the Military which is supposedly keeping order in a chaotic situation. Wow, it almost makes you yearn for the good ole days. Note I said almost.

But they have faith to believe they can accomplish the impossible so I say, let um do it, let um go for it, and let us help them, as much as we can, with teachings, examples and money, since we tout the democratic process with our mouths, let us not be guilty of speaking out of the side of our mouth. Let us speak loudly and clearly, that we are opposed to oppressive regimes of any kind and we will be glad and happy to help when help is needed. But we will and cannot overdraw our accounts and become troublesome in their process of rebuilding their Country. Makes our leaning toward the right thing, slightly tougher on us to accomplish but it can be done and must be done. We have touted the right thing to do, now let us do the right thing and ‘help out’ as much as possible and still keep our economy strong and stable, for it would help no one, if we were to come apart at the seams as well. We don’t want to become Dr No Good, and heal only our patients. We need to be apart of the health process as well. We need to heal also! We may not be the World's Police but yes, I think we're the World's Dr.

    Well, lets go for it! Aah yes, with so many Countries jumping on the bad leader bandwagon, or having  general discontent, for some reason, what’s a man to do? This makes it slightly more difficult, to say the least. How can we help so many?  Well, unless the Country abounds in oil, my point of view is, we don’t. Unless it’s Saudi, of course. Well, come on, I'm not silly, lot's of oil! But that's another time another view!

Libya abounds in oil, this affects our Country, so we should have a piece of the action to parlay into our economical health. Good ole greed, comes alive so we want to be on the side of the winner. Course considering, the Mental State of the Leader who won’t let go, we know who’s side we are on. Not on the Mad Dog of the Mental East’s side. We have an aversion to a man who has already acted like a terrorist, talked like a terrorist, and is a terrorist to his very own people. He keeps the flock by fearsome techniques’. Most people do not respect the man, they fear him. But now for once in their lifetime, they have seen how it was done by Tunisia and Egypt so they are emboldened with a new gold avenue of answers, the PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN. They want what these people have, the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE THEIR LEADER.

And considering the upheavals, in Tunisia & Egypt it makes me wonder how America could be caught with diplomatic Americans in Libya, or any Americans, for that matter. Did they not consider they should get out before the fracas, then we could have been more persuasive in our dealings from the git go and not have to be concerned about them. We surely have been slow reacting, at the start line, but maybe we can make up the speed, in convincing them we mean business. It is not us against them leaders, but them against us.For they know what we stand for. We do not stand for the shallow talk of a dictator, who cannot stand behind his word. We will prevail. Good always prevails over evil.

    So yes, we need to back them up. Especially since we are not actually backing Gadhafi. We have been saying lately, HE MUST LEAVE. Well, I saw on TV, the Secretary of State has been, saying it, anyway. Like that is going to make him hurry his departure. No way! He does fear us! Now our 3 ships heading toward him, makes him tremble. But I figure he will leave when he decides. After all, he's got a 'group' backing him, even if it's a bought one.
Most mad men, think their brains are trustworthy enough to call the shots. His mind is missing a synapse or two, from what I can tell. When he finally realizes the futility of it all, I would not want to be around at that moment in time, for then he is indeed a danger, to himself and others, for he has nothing to lose. He has already lost the admiration of a people whom he thought was loyal to him. When he wakes up and realizes no one is really loyal to him, including his relatives and the few bought employees he has surrounding him, then HE WILL BE DANGEROUS. His forces are still lying to themselves. They will awaken to the Truth as well. These people are telling him exactly what he wants to hear, THIS TOO SHALL PASS. The only thing is this TRUTH IS SELF EVIDENT, THIS INDEED TOO SHALL PASS, yes, it will, but it will not lead to everything going back to the normal state of being as he hopes for. IT WILL BRING CHANGE, AND THIS CHANGE INCLUDES HIM ABDICATING THE THRONE OF HIS LEADERSHIP OF LIBYA, or it being taken out of his grasping hand. But he is so ingrained with the idea that he and Libya are one, that he is indeed going to be full of TROUBLE TO HIS PEOPLE. How or what this entails, is anyone’s guess, but he will not ever willingly give up what he believes is his, so he will more than likely try to take as many of the Protesters with him. His army is foolish. It is not a good idea to be close to a man, who's cog is slipping, no matter whose people you are. I think I would try to keep my distance. May his Protesters do the same. Let his Army of Libya grow up. They need to run the other direction also. A mad man don't need anybody around to be a mad man! A mad man has no loyalty! A mad man has no sense he is full of nonsense! A mad man is full of himself and self is who he thinks of.

    Now for why we need to jump in at their time of need. Because, it will help to have us there for moral support. Because we have a high stake in the oil reserves that are sold to us. We need Libya’s oil, that is understated. They have oil. We need to keep the bid for it at the forefront of the Protesters minds. They need to know we have a stake in the outcome of the upheaval in their Country.But I am certain they already know this.
This said, we really need to stress that the people are our top priority over oil, any day of the week. We desire for the people to prevail against a man, who has willingly covered some of the Protesters in blood even to the point of finality of some of their lives. This ought not be, but it is proof of the extreme extent that the man is willing to go to, to get what he wants in spite of public opinion being against him loud and clear to a watching world.
Yes, I think it is just a matter of time, till he falls, but does there come a time, when he is pushed? I think so. He can probably hole up for some time while he wear’s his Protesters down. This is not a good idea. He is not to be given the upper hand, calling all the shots, for this will just feed his ego, which is big enough as is. He needs to be squeezed ever so gently into relinquishing his Throne. Does his people do this to him? I think so. They are going to have to deal with a man, that knows no sensibility. Anything goes. He is going to have to be convinced he has won, then he will depart his fraidy hole. Then you can deal with the enemy you can see. For if one cannot see him, one cannot defeat him.

My lot I drew, concerning this, says, he will have to be removed. By whom, how, when, who knows! But he has already said, he is not giving up Libya. Knowing this, it is easier to develop a POA.
    Now, as for the rest of the Countries, in my beginning paragraph, I think we will see a multitude of problems arise from every area since they are so diverse a population, and we cannot expect any of them to become a prototype, for us. We will have to assess the situation in each circumstance and hope for the best possible outcome. The best possible scenario, is that, all of them do not break out at the same time.  Having them come one at a time, gives us all time to assimilate the dangers each peoples will have to face, concerning their leader who will not go easily, or those leaders who have the foresight, not to go at all, but let none of them ignore the will of the people. That locale is fraught with danger. Or just having problems on board that will not go away, these Countries need to be attempting to solve them in a manner that is pleasing to all constituents. Change in Leadership is not always, the answer, but it is always going to happen to the disgruntled majority.With some change comes only through Civil War, since some Countries are full of different Minorities. Change in these cases is not always pleasant nor does it guarantee the results are better for all involved. We cannot assume that all cases of Change bring about a more loving relationship with America, but for that we can hope, our enemies do not arrive at the forefront of any new movement. But with things happening so fast, dealing with all of these Countries is like trying to play 'pick um up sticks,' without moving another one. It becomes rather difficult at best. But our best we do, at all times, even in game playing.
But for most of these Countries, Change is not a game, it has a life force all it's own, and it is hard to take it seriously when it is happening everywhere in Africa and the Middle East. IT' BY FAR EASIER TO TAKE A FEW CHANGES SERIOUSLY, THAN ALL. THAT BOGGLES THE MIND. But nonetheless, IT IS HAPPENING, and progress can not be stopped. So I guess, I'll get out of the 'game mode.' THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS.

Only can each Country's leader decide what is best for their people. If people is what you want to please, not yourself. Sometimes it is best to allow the will of the people to prevail. Sometimes, it may be that the leaders get wise enough to begin working with the people and giving them what they have needed for some long time, an input into the daily workings of their leaders and governments, simply put a Voice. No peoples should be relegated to second hand servants of an outdated Monarchy, but should feel Freedom's Tentacles, Flow like a  River of Lava, Lighting the Landscape, for all to behold. Hopefully we can give moral support no matter who or what is happening, if we think they have a legal leg to stand on. We are not supporting insurrection for the sake of insurrection. That is not wise. You may end up with some real Dorks trying to lead, making it worse than before. Choose your battles!

We are not supporting, jumping in and lending our support to every Country and people’s who look like they can use it. These are autocratic Countries and they deserve the right to have the people solve the problems as best as they know how. We are not the World’s Policeman. We don’t always have answers to our own problems, but we have the best minds working on them at any given moment. We do have suggestions that we have learned as we have come along in our democratic process. And it is wise to heed some of them if you want and need success in your government. We been there, done that. But we do have a few things we are for.

     We do have THINGS WE SUPPORT! We do support RIGHT! We do support RIGHT TO LIFE! We do support CIVIL RIGHTS! We do support LOVE FOR ONE’S COUNTRY! We do support the PEOPLE’S VOICE WHO SPEAK WITH ONE ACCORD!

We do support Israel!
We do support LOVE OF GOD! 

ps.With leaders we do like, there is still change on the horizon coming in their Countries. This happening affects us in the entire region of the Middle East. Whose side do we chose then, the people's or the leaders? That could be difficult ie Oman. 
Most importantly of all, being that we are in the Middle East, all people's know we side with Israel no matter what the conflict is or where the conflict is or when the conflict is.......This could have an affect from Countries that do not like Israel. If we try to help pro or con, we can open a can of worms for those peoples we care deeply for. Even in helping Libya, we could have retaliations coming in from horizons that have nothing whatsoever to do with that particular region. But it very well could come from places we are not expecting strife to come from in that area. But nonetheless

Too bad so sad, we believe God, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. - Hebrews 13:6
We will help the people affected in Libya, from a Chaotic Leader, with the overview of helping Israel at the same time.  We do not abandon our Old Friends just because we've picked up a few new ones along the way!
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, . . . “ plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11