Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon--Jdg 7:20

   Here is an example of God working with man to produce his eternal business. No where  in the Bible is it so evident that it takes both God and Man to deal with the business of the Kingdom.

    To feel, we can come in our name only, is presumptuous upon a God, that does require us to be humble in our approach to God, and humble toward a man, to whom we witness. Humility towards God, to even allow us to do his witnessing, of what He has done for us in our lives, and toward man, who is moved to tears, when he or she comes upon a truly humble person, who is willing to do as God bids. This is ascertained by the fact that God culled the men down to a mere 300 men who lapped, simply because he did not want Israel smarting off about it, being all their own effort that sustained them. God don't divide His Glory, His Honor or anything. He is Primo Uno. He sure don't divide his Honor with a wooden belly, cow, sand flea, etc. if you get my drift. They can't send 20,000 ministering Spirits to God's Chosen Ones. But He can, NOW THAT IS POWER!..........When we mention God’s Name, there is something Holy that is happening in the here and now. People stand up and take notice. Because HE IS DIFFERENT, HE'S BEEN HERE FROM THE BEGINNING, IS PRESENT, AND KNOWS THE FUTURE. HE DEFINITELY IS DIFFERENT. Wow, like maybe we should listen, when he or she talks. I BELIEVE IN THE SPIRIT OF PROPHESY. Even if it is just, "which fast food restaurant do you want to go to?"

    We should never attempt to take on witnessing without first being willing to shine our lights before mankind, SUCH AS, HOLD OUR TORCHES HIGH, BE SPIRIT LED. Only as we are good toward God and man, can those in the dark, have an example to follow for themselves. As Gideon told his people, take a pitcher, put a light into it, and when he calls, BY BLOWING THE TRUMPET, he and the other  men with him, then HIS  WORKING FORCES are to break the pitcher, and hollow, the Sword of the Lord and Gideon.  THEY WERE TO CARRY THEIR TORCHES IN THEIR LEFT HAND AND THEIR TRUMPET IN THEIR RIGHT. As you can see, in trying to give us an example to follow, he truly wanted us to shine like little stars. WE MUST GO IN LIGHT(TORCHES) WITH THE SPIRIT OF PROPHESY(THE TRUMPET)We must always be willing to show ourselves faithful to God by WALKING IN THE SPIRIT(WALKING IN THE LIGHT-we know where to go, and what to do)

    This is a way to bring light into darkness. We must be willing to go. Now if one cannot see that an area is truly dark to the light of the gospel, we won’t go. But that is not the case and never has been. There is no lighted believer that cannot see into the Spirit World. We all can start where we are. When we see a dark city as Gideon did, then we are admonished to bring light into it’s folds. We indeed have been given authority to baptize believers where ever we find them that want to be baptized. /you don’t need a degree from a seminary/we need to believe what God said, the Great Commission, “GO INTO ALL THE WORLD, BAPTIZING THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THINGS, WHATSOEVER I HAVE COMMANDED YOU! AND LO I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, EVEN UNTIL THE END OF THE AGE”(And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. - Matthew 28:20

    SONS', IT MEANS YOU! DAUGHTERS' IT MEANS YOU.  Don’t think that God is going to do it all by himself. Gideon teaches you this. Don’t think that you can do this all by yourself. Gideon teaches you this. Alls it takes is a willing heart. God will provide the humility. God will provide the food, clothes, houses, cars. He’ll even give you a strong mind with Godly Wisdom that no one can withstand.

    In fact, when you put God first, He has promised you houses here on earth. He says, when we give up our life for Him, He gives and gives and gives to us. But first the corn seed has got to fall into the ground, it is a soft landing people. He is the ground, you are the corn. So how do you think you could possibly fail. You can’t. He won’t let you. Fall into the Heavenly Father's hands, let him deal with the results. GET YOUR SWORD(WORD OF GOD) AND GO WITH GOD’S SWORD. BRING DIVISION, LET GOD DO THE MULTIPLYING. God didn’t come to bring Peace, but a Sword-Division. The word of God is powerful, a two-edged sword, capable of dividing asunder the spirit, the soul and the body. The soul consists of the Spirit and the Soul, the physical is the body. God came to save the Souls. It’s left up to him to translate the body  into Heaven. A Great Mystery that is. HEAVEN IS HIS BUSINESS NOT OURS.

    If you have the light, you’ll see the dark rather sharply. In fact, you'll be able to see through the dark as if it were light. There is a reason God says, we can look into the Spirit World, it is a gift from God. Yes, I've seen it. Maybe someday, He'll provide a use for that knowledge.You’ve got to begin with Souls in the dark, oh yes, you'll know they are in the dark. You’ve got to begin there. Talk it over with God, see what He has to say before you step out and fwd. Don't get ahead of Him. Make 100% sure you are witnessing to the right ones.

He don’t need anybody’s Money, he owns all the cattle on the hillsides. He needs plain and simple,
more souls to praise him.
If you got the light, SHARE IT...LET’S GIVE GOD WHAT GOD WANTS.

later nina
more later

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stretched Thin

       Every time there is a Natural Disaster, of some sort, it appears we are already stretched thin on resources, manpower and money. Lately we have had Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Fires, Flood's, Earthquakes, Power Outages, the sky is falling Chicken Little, kinda legacy NASA left us with, and last but not least, Terrorism. The three last ones not being  Natural Disasters, but man made ones. These we can and will deal with. But however the problem comes, it certainly requires, people thinking out of the box, to solve  it. Forget Fear,  that does not fit into any equation we own. Certainly FORGETTING FEAR, is a POSITIVE PROBLEM(IF YOU CAN CONSIDER THERE TO BE SUCH AN ANIMAL), the negatives have never even thought of! YES, FORGET FEAR! START THERE! CLIMB ONTO A POSITIVE MOUNTAIN, WHERE THE EAGLE TALKS, WOE WOE WOE, LET'S HOPE THE  LAST THREE ANGELS DON'T BLOW THEIR TRUMPET. Of, course we've read the back of book. We know they do.....What's this got to do with deficients?  Well when you take 1/3 away from things, Seas, Rivers, Moons, etc, I figure God understands deficiencies.

Don't have a lot to do with what I am talking about but for some reason it seemed to fit right in. Writers, tend to go back, now and forward. Yes, I like writers, especially John of Patmos. No, I'm not off base, I'm just not where I want to be, on base. What I have discovered, is, when I keep adding and adding stuff to the present Blog, it is time to get another Blog going. I think I am going back to DD Time.  Today's was a wackmaster.

Back to this Blog......

       It really taxes a Country that is already overburdened with all kinds of problems. None of them appear to have an answer, most of the answers are frivolous ones that are not really capable of being a long term answer to a short term problem.

    We have a Deficiency in our Budget, and it keeps on getting bigger and bigger. Like I said, everybody wants an immediate answer one that usually covers the real problem that got us there in the first place.

    My question is not ‘WHY SUCH A DEFICIENT?”  How dare we?


    THAT IS EXACTLY WHERE I WOULD START. The bigger Deficient is harder to solve but so what. We are in the problem solving business.  And it would really be a feather in our cap, if we gave everybody money who needed it, whether they deserved it or not, so they could continue to function as viable people in a viable government. OTHER WISE WE WILL MEET UP WITH THEM SOMEWHERE DOWN THE LINE.. WHY HESITATE....Why should some of our people have to hit the ‘street, no job, no house, no money,’ and then we help them. Why not help them where they are at.

    Now this will not make people happy, who were not happy anyway, but it will help the common man, for whom government is for, and whom we serve. Let’s serve them will the proper attitude.

    After all, people, who are flooding need help, right then.
    People who are in a fire need help, right then.
    People who are in a mudslide need help, right then.
People who are in a Tornado need help, right then.
    People who are in a Hurricane need help, right then.
    People who are in a Earthquake need help, right then 
People who are in a Power Outage need help, right then.
    Do you get the point here.

    People who have no job need help, right then, not 3 years later.
    People who have no money need help, right then, not 4 years later
    People who have atrocious health bills, need help, right then, not 5 years later.
    People who have lost everything, need help, right then, not a lecture 6 years later
    People who have lost their homes, need help, right then, not 7 years later, a new home.
    People need friends, right then, not 8 years later. 
    Treat people with respect that have a need, not when they are cleaned up.

    I just know, we have sure had our share of disasters, wouldn’t you agree? Now why, do you think this is so? Well, I am sure everybody has there very own reason, as to why it is happening. I certainly do!

    But you really do not care that I care. It is not appropriate for me to garner advise as to why your suffering in your very own way. Yes, I say suffering, cause most people to whom all of this has happened to, do not act happy about it all. So I will say they are suffering.

    So we do not need a government telling us too, ‘BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES.’


    Now I am surely not going to be popular with the ‘Government.’

    For they do not like anybody that has an answer to their horrid problems of Deficient’s.

I just got this to say. If we’re down 4 Trillion, why not be down 12 Trillion.

You've heard the old adage, 'I clean up pretty good....'
I will reiterate, treat people with respect that have a need, not when they are cleaned up.

Give it to the people, give some to everybody, give some to the singles and families. I don't know a family with growing kids, that could not use some extra cash. I'm talking big time cash. I am a populist. They will really be happy for a change. They will spend and we won’t have a depression or recession or a down right slowing down period, and we sure won't have, a loss of a good attitude, from our Foreign Friends. They will be happy we are spending. We will generate jobs, and ideas will flow from happy people, how to get houses and health care, etc. I am not a socialist. I am of the Helper Party. Let's help our people....Government included.

Don’t penalize people because our leaders didn’t know how to govern.

We’re the people. We didn’t do it...........

nina later
more later