Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before His God, as he did aforetime.-- Dan_6:10
Here we have a praying man. He did what was his usual habit. He prayed before His God. It was a normal act for a normal Christian, to seek God in all things. Now I think, Daniel knew what he was doing. He had been ordered, not to pray to God. But it was such an ingrained habit of his, that he thought naught of praying, to the God of the Universe, who listened to him, before this Edict was written, and listened to him, after the Edict was written. He knew God was listening to him, even now, at such a time as this. I do not think he had any qualms at all, about contacting His God, for Daniel had such a close relationship with him, before this happened to him. He did what he knew to do. Take it to the Lord in Prayer.
Now, I sometimes happen upon things, that I do not understand. But I am so tuned into God, because, I take all things to him, that when bad things happen, it is nothing, for me to contact Him for help, for I know there is no help coming, from any one else but Him, unless He allows it. I want His input, into the outcome of bad things, for I know, He has a reason, for all things, good and bad. We can be taught, all kinds of things, by being pushed, into God’s Gates, and pulled, into God’s Courts of Praise. Then we are admonished, to come into His Holy of Holies, and find out what it is, God is doing with us.
He wants us to always come to Him, at all times, for all things.
When we don’t, we leave God out, and then whatever happens, we cannot tell if God is in the outcome, but if we take it to the Lord in Prayer, then we are guaranteed, that the results are what He wants to happen.
Now here, Daniel got thrown into the Lion’s den. Even his King, did not want this to happen, but he realized, he had signed the Edict, and he had to follow out his command, to kill the one’s who disobeyed him. But ah, God had another purpose, He witnessed to the King, that Angels from God, had protected Daniel, therefore he was not harmed. The King was so happy, for he loved Daniel. Now the King stated Daniel’s God was the one true God, and was to be worshiped. And this is what happened. And the King came to know, who God was and what His power, to accomplish things was.
God even let Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian King ,eat grass and act just like an animal, for 7 years, to make him understand, who was in control of all things. He indeed came back to his senses, and understood who was in control. He did not brag anymore, about his capacities, or try to take God’s place and honor.
Now, I believe Daniel is a tough example for us, about following God, through thick and thin. Sometimes we may not like the things, that happen to us, as dry twigs, but we are forewarned, that they will happen. If they did such things to a ‘green tree,’ what do we think, they will do to a dry tree?
What we must do, is follow Daniel, into the Lion’s Den and allow the Angels, to Minister to us, as they did to him. We must leave, the outcome of all things, to the one God, who is Sovereign enough, to deal with each one of us, as we trod this life’s road. Never, should we ever, disavow God’s Power, to handle our meager problems. He has promised, never to leave us nor forsake us, and the best Christians, can believe that the Angels, or the Lord Himself can appear like in Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego’s Furnace made 7 times hotter than Normal.
Just believe God, He will deliver, His Way. As he did in these men’s lives, so will He do in our lives. But we must Pray!!!
Love Nina
Later more later
Later more later
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